Friday, December 9, 2011

8th period ABSTRACT Pictures Fall 2011

Click on the link below to vote on the Fall 2011
8th period ABSTRACT Pictures

7th period PHOTOSHOPPED Pics

Vote for the best photoshopped Pic

Thursday, December 8, 2011

4th period PHOTOSHOPPED Pics Fall 2011 VOTING

Click on this link to vote for the best photoshop work in 8th grade tech apps Fall 2011

Click on the Link Below to vote for the 4th period PHOTOSHOPPED Pics!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

UJHS Breakfast Menu
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Lg. Blueberry muffin Apple Frudel Golden Grahams Cereal Strawberry Poptart Crunch Mania
Fresh Apple Slices 100% Fruit Juice Fresh Banana Fruit Juice Gogurt
White Milk White Milk White Milk White Milk White Milk
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Breakfast Bar Cinnamon Toast Cereal Lg. Blueberry Muffin Mini-Pancakes Brown Sugar Poptart
Fruit Cup Fresh Apple Slices Cheese Stick Fruit Juice Gogurt
White Milk White Milk White Milk White Milk White Milk
Menu will alternate every other week.
Breakfast consist of entrée, fruit or fruit juice & milk
In accordance with Federal Law and USDA policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race,
color, national origin, sex, age or disability.

UJHS Breakfast Menu

UJHS Breakfast Menu
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Lg. Blueberry muffin Apple Frudel Golden Grahams Cereal Strawberry Poptart Crunch Mania
Fresh Apple Slices 100% Fruit Juice Fresh Banana Fruit Juice Gogurt
White Milk White Milk White Milk White Milk White Milk
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Breakfast Bar Cinnamon Toast Cereal Lg. Blueberry Muffin Mini-Pancakes Brown Sugar Poptart
Fruit Cup Fresh Apple Slices Cheese Stick Fruit Juice Gogurt
White Milk White Milk White Milk White Milk White Milk
Menu will alternate every other week.
Breakfast consist of entrée, fruit or fruit juice & milk
In accordance with Federal Law and USDA policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race,
color, national origin, sex, age or disability.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Cyberbullying and Texting

Please complete this survey honestly. The results will not be used to "anyone in trouble" as the results are animous. We are attempting to get a baseline of how many students at UJHS are cyberbullying or are getting cyberbullied, specifically through the use of text messages and SMS (picture/photo and video clips)
Some survey questions are from the study by

Thank you for your time and honesty.

**some of the questions on the survey are used from**