Tuesday, March 12, 2013

8th grade tech apps lesson plan for Wed March 13th

Lesson Plans for WEDNESDAY MARCH13th 2013 As you probably know I am out of town for my grandmother's funeral. I have created a video that explains what I would like for you to do. If you watch this video you will get the idea of what we are going to create.

You are STRONGLY recommended to watch the entire video. DO NOT have music/music videos playing while watching the instructional video. It is just over 10 min. long.

You are encouraged to pause the video as needed to complete the steps. The links that I used in the video are located below the instructional video




College Planning Prezi 3/13/13 Progress

College Planning Prezi: 3/13/13

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Adding a page to our Weebly Website

In this video you will learn how to add a page to your Weebly website
You will then hyperlink 3 different websites to your new page
1. agoogleaday.com
2. freerice.com
3. studyisland.com

Friday, March 1, 2013

Color Coding our SMART goals

After you write 3 SMART Goals:
 1 goal for technology class
 1 goal for another class (your choice)
 1 goal for anything non-academic related (examples might include a goal for improving your physical body, to be more adventurous, make the varsity team, attend church, to walk 2 miles everyday, to be better at a particular sport.)

Once you have created 3 SMART Goals please change the text in your goals to match the designated sections.
 (S)pecific to a Blue text
 (M)easurable to Orange text
 (A)ttainable to Purple text
 (R)ealistic to Red text
 (T)imely to Green text

Mr. LaValley's SMART goal

" I will take educational leadership classes online from the American College of Education. {rest of SMART GOAL here}...

 educational leadership classes online = blue because this is the specific goal that I have set for myself.