List of 7 Habits
YouTube Video Over 7 Habits
Rubric for The 7 Characteristics of
Highly Effective Teens (10 Points Total)
Organization (4 Points Total)
0 Points
No clear topic
on each on each frame.
Do list 3-5
clear points on each frame.
Does not have a
clear transition on each frame.
Does not have
presentation well organized.
1 Point (Has one of the following
Lists clear
topic on each on each frame.
Lists 3-5 clear
points on each frame.
Has a clear
transition on each frame.
The presentation
well organized.
2 Points (Has two of the following characteristics)
Lists clear
topic on each on each frame.
Lists 3-5 clear
points on each frame.
Has a clear
transition on each frame.
The presentation
well organized.
3 Points (Has three of the following
Lists clear
topic on each on each frame.
Lists 3-5 clear
points on each frame.
Has a clear
transition on each frame.
The presentation
well organized.
4 Points (Has all four of the following
Lists clear
topic on each on each frame.
Lists 3-5 clear
points on each frame.
Has a clear
transition on each frame.
The presentation
well organized.
Tech Skills (4 Points Total)
0 Points
Does not use search
engines to find high quality images.
Did not uploaded
photos for each of the characteristics listed.
Does not
hyperlink to book.
Does not insert
YouTube video over the 7 Characteristics of Highly Effective Teens .
1 Point (Has one of the following
Used search
engines to find high quality images.
Uploaded photos
for each of the characteristics listed.
Prezi to book.
Inserted a
YouTube video over the 7 Characteristics of Highly Effective Teens .
2 Points (Has two of the following
Used search
engines to find high quality images.
Uploaded photos
for each of the characteristics listed.
Prezi to book.
Inserted a
YouTube video over the 7 Characteristics of Highly Effective Teens .
3 Points (Has three of the following
Used search
engines to find high quality images.
Uploaded photos
for each of the characteristics listed.
Prezi to book.
Inserted a
YouTube video over the 7 Characteristics of Highly Effective Teens .
4 Points (Has all four of the following
Used search
engines to find high quality images.
Uploaded photos
for each of the characteristics listed.
Prezi to book.
Inserted a
YouTube video over the 7 Characteristics of Highly Effective Teens .
Presentation (2 Points Total)
1 Point
Does not clearly
present project and explain what they learned.
2 Points
Clearly present
project and explain what they learned.
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